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2024 PNSFA Resource Guide - Advertisement Opportunities

The Pacific Northwest Steel Fabricators' Association (PNSFA) is a not-for-profit trade association comprised of companies that are in the steel construction industry and suppliers to these companies.  Advertising in the PNSFA Resource Guide can be an excellent and affordable way to reach the members of PNSFA and others in the steel industry. The Resource Guide is a comprehensive listing of PNSFA members and their products/services.  A complimentary copy is provided to all PNSFA members and specifiers of steel fabrication products, which means the guide will be distributed to approximately 1,500 trade contacts in the industry. 

Purchase an Ad
Download advertising info and contract.


- 2024 Resource Guide Advertising Rates -

Display Ads, Black/White only (no color—except cover ads)                                           

                                                Member Prices                                            Nonmember Prices

            1/8 page                                 $  175                                                             $  400

            1/4 page                                 $  300                                                             $  600

            1/2 page                                 $  600                                                             $  950

            Full page                                $1,500                                                            $2,000

            Front cover inside                 $2,250                                                            $2,750

               (four color)

            Back cover inside or             $2,250                                                            $2,750

               outside cover (four color)

Ad Specifications

Full page & any inside or outside cover ad = 7 1/2” x 10”

1/2 page ad - horizontal = 7 1/2” x 5”                       1/2 page ad - vertical = 5" x 7 1/2"

1/4 page ad - horizontal = 4 7/8” x 3 3/4”                 1/4 page ad - vertical = 3 3/4" x 4 7/8”

1/8 page ad - horizontal = 2 3/10” x 3 3/4”              1/8 page ad - vertical = 3 3/4” x 2 3/10”


Publishing Information

The Resource Guide will be published in 2024.  The Resource Guide ad reservation deadline for the 2024 issue is April 30, 2024.  The deadline for ad artwork is also April 30, 2024.  Any ads cancelled after April 30, 2024 will not be refunded.  To run an ad in the PNSFA Resource Guide, please complete our online form and submit your artwork according to the above specifications.

Advertising Requirements

PNSFA reserves the right to reject any advertisement.  All ads must be submitted electronically via email and must be camera-ready and match exact size requirements specified.  Camera-ready is a term that defines artwork or type that is ready for publication and does not require manipulation or typesetting.  Please submit ads in electronic form—electronic ads should be submitted as a PDF in black and white or grayscale.  If you are purchasing a colored ad the artwork should be a PDF with the native files imbedded.  Please include any necessary font and graphics, and submit your ad via email to the email address listed below.  If your advertisement does not match the specified size requirements, it will be returned.